Sunday, January 23, 2011

David Leventi opera houses

These photos of opera houses are absolutely stunning!! the series consists of 30 images and you can check it out on his website

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Gorgeous tea towels

These tea towels are super cute, avaliable in a range of colours and will cost you around $20 for a set of two. avaliable from here.

Wall Decal

This quirky wall decal is a nice change from those generic swirls that you can put on your wall. its a bit steep in price at around $90 but well worth looking at their range here

Wooden camera Necklace by Corky

This necklace is amazing and for only around $45 NZ. designed my Australian designer Christopher-Hussein Bril it is a take on the Olmpus EE Pen series avaliable from here

Lauren Beacham

These polaroid clocks and night lights created by Lauren Beacham are stunning, i personally prefer the night light which retails for around NZD $28. The clocks are NZD$ 55 and are a great gift idea. avaliable from etsy

Camera Bags

These camera bags are amazing and so stylish!
Seperate compartments for your SLR camera. avaliable in mens andwomen's  styles from ONA from aprox NZD $360-400

Victoria Percivall

I may be biased, as I went to university with this girl. But i love her work. This image is one of her images from her series for our end of year exhibition. check out more of her work on her blog

Camera thermos mugs

These are such an awesome idea and they look just like the real thing! all three are available from Mini In the Box ranging from NZD$ 15-30
I want one of these!!

Camera Necklace

This gorgeous necklace comes in gold and silver and retails for around NZD $300.
these are available from Areaware.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Kodak Film Canisters

These are gorgeous. perfect for holding your little treasures.
These are vintage collectiable 35mm film canisters.
found at Three Potato four

Holga D

Although this camera is still a concept, its creation is in the pipe line. the Holga D is a digital version of the much loved Holga. check it out here for all the details.

Day's With My Father

This is one of the most amazing photographic series i have seen. very touching, well worth spending sometime looking through.View the series at Phillip Toledano's website. also available from fishpond for NZD$ 24.99.Bargain!!

Digital Polaroid

Unsure yet how I feel about this, but everything seems to be heading in the direction of the digital world these days.
Designed by Lady Gaga and Polaroid this is one to watch.
will be released later on this year at a price to be announced. check it out on the Polaroid website.

Caught on Camera Tape Dispenser

This tape dispenser is amazing! must have for anyone obessed with photography avaliable from modcloth for around NZD $28

Digital Biscuit Cameras

This cameras are gorgeous!!! Available in 3 flavors, Chocolate, Wheat and Strawberry, YUM!
shoots up to around 300 stills and can also take video. available at four corner store for approx NZD $50

JR- photograffeur

JR takes images and reproduces them as large scale black and white photographs and places them on surfaces around the world. this is and amazing concept and it looks awesome. worth checking out on his website here

2010 in photos

Great site from a Documentary point of view. some of the photos are amazing. some not so much. but still worth checking out. Check it out here.

Liesl Pfeffer

Liesl Pfeffer is an Australian photographer using different landscapes to piece together a completely different Landscape altogether. absolutely stunning!! available from etsy from around NZD $20-50.

Must have Book

Photography speaks, Must have book for anyone interested in photography.
this book includes 150 photographers and essays on their work, by the photographers themselves.
available for around NZD$50 from Fishpond


Gorgeous wee camera, available in black, blue and orange.
looks old school, but takes 35mm film! easier to find and process!
available from Good as Gold for NZD$299.

Snap polaroid frames

Amazing Polaroid frames, from fourfontaine for NZD$ 59.90.
these are amazing come with mounting tools, available in Red,Black and white.
nice play on the traditional Polaroid look which is back in vogue.
the best bit is that you can write on these frames with a whiteboard pen!!
buy now from Fourfontaine


Ok so first blog!,
this blog will be dedicated to photo accesories and all this associated to the realm of photography. hope you all enjoy the things I find as much as I do :)